As you are well aware, I have been going through an inspirational dry spell. This encouraged me to look back at some of my old beading work, in an effort to find some artistic vision that could put me back on track with my jewellery making. Luckily, I stroke gold, and found inspiration in work I had done based on my favourite Egyptian goddesses, Nephthys. I have always been fascinated with Egyptian Mythology, and took a liking to her as she is considered the protective goddess of death, often associated with life, death and rebirth. She also helped in the conception of the first mummy and is thought to be the mother of Anubis.

I chose to stray from greens for this necklace, as the colour was a standing feature in my last work and I was looking to try something different. I went with a Montana blue sapphire as the centrepiece hue, using it in a stocky herringbone rope. I took a bold risk and went for a twisted rope fringe, but I’m confident it will pay off because I regard it as a tribute to “The Lady of the House”, so I´m sure I won’t regret it.

I was so eager to start working on the Nephthys necklace that I wrapped up the peacock dagger collar with a button, in a single beading session. I thought I should complete at least one project before heading into another one.

For the future, I am very excited to share my creations with you, my readers, along with the inspiration and ideas behind each one. I am back to beading in full force!