08 Aug
If you have these amazing jewelry ideas or a collection of antique beads from a family member and wondering what to do with them, I have got the best DIY jewelry ideas for you to pursue. With these simple do it yourself concepts, you can make interesting and simple pieces that portray your creativity and edge. There are some beading patterns that will help make your task easier and definitely allow those creative juices to flow. Here are a few...
08 Aug
You might feel that the history of handcrafted beaded jewelry cannot possibly be very interesting, but in fact, it is quite intriguing to learn where this part of culture began. Some say that the beginnings of beaded jewelry began more than 70,000 years ago when man found the beads and gems and thought it was incredibly beautiful. Beaded jewelry has been used in many ways. One way is simply for beauty. Another is for value. Some would trade and buy...
08 Aug
As you are well aware, I have been going through an inspirational dry spell. This encouraged me to look back at some of my old beading work, in an effort to find some artistic vision that could put me back on track with my jewellery making. Luckily, I stroke gold, and found inspiration in work I had done based on my favourite Egyptian goddesses, Nephthys. I have always been fascinated with Egyptian Mythology, and took a liking to her as...
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